Hannah Tilson
Rowena Harris
2023This interview took place in context of Rowena’s joint residency between Elan Valley, Powys, Wales and the Midland Arts Centre, Birmingham. The work they developed and produced in response is... -
How Not Exclude Artist Mothers (and Other Parents)Hettie Judah is chief art critic on the British daily paper The i , a regular contributor to The Guardian ’s arts pages, and a columnist for Apollo magazine. She... -
2020April Bey grew up in The Bahamas (New Providence) and now resides and works in Los Angeles, CA as a visual artist and art educator. Bey’s interdisciplinary artwork is an... -
2022Interview with Collector, Curator and Art Advisor Claudia Cheng. She has curated exhibitions for galleries internationally, and has recently curated a collection as well as a benefit auction for Artsy.... -
Victoria Nunley
2022Ahead of her solo exhibition with Moosey Art, I sat down with artist Victoria Nunley to discuss her practice, her dream dinner parties and her humourous titles! -
2021Druick's paintings address issues of gender definition, self-identification and female objectification, using stylised figuration and saturated high-key colour. She emphasises and exaggerates stereotypical concepts of precision, perfection and beauty in... -
2021I was invited by friends at MTArt Agency to speak to Camille as their newly signed artist! I am excited to see the incredible work they will do together. Previously,... -
Tiffany Bouelle
@tiffanybouelleTiffany Bouelle @tiffanybouelle 'What blue? I absolutely do not know what you are talking about! The first use of Blue was the sensation of love, the desire to generate a... -
@chigozieobi_CHIGOZIE OBI @chigoziEobi_ Obi’s work demonstrates a keen interest and fascination for humanity, bodies and narratives. The figures, often self portraits and usually depicted in the fluidity of oils, are... -
@linett_kamalaLinett Kamala @linett_kamala I am delighted to present the incredible works of Linett Kamala! Kamala trained at Univerisity of the Arts London, and has been self-taught for much of her... -
@BELLISSI.MAMAKATE DUNN @bellissi.mama I am so exited to announce my latest feature with KATE DUNN @bellissi.mama I have loved Dunn’s work for so long, one of Dunn’s work sits in... -
Isabelle Albuquerque
@IsabelleAlbuquerqueIsabelle Albuquerque @IsabelleAlbuquerque Albuquerque is a Los Angeles based performer and sculptor. Albuquerque uses her own body, and the processes of casting and 3D scanning, to create headless, human scaled... -
Manyaku Mashilo
@manyaku_mashManyaku Mashilo @manyaku_mash -
Tizta Berhanu
@TiztaBerhanuTizta Berhanu @TiztaBerhanu One to watch out for: Tizta Berhanu Tizta is a really exciting contemporary artist. She was born in Ethiopia in 1991, and graduated from Addis Ababa University... -
Hannah Lupton Reinhard
@hannahmontana12346789Hannah Lupton Reinhard @hannahmontana12346789 THIS ARTIST HAS BLOWN ME AWAY TIME AND TIME AGAIN! Welcome to the radiating energy that is Hannah Lupton Reinhard’s world! “My paintings aren't supposed to... -
@chloewise_CHLOE WISE @chloewise_ 😻 OBSESSED! 😻 Really excited to present this She Curates interview with the one and only Chloe Wise! @CHLOEWISE_ 🥂 It was a real joy to speak... -
@CHIDINMA.NNOLICHIDINMA NNOLI @CHIDINMA.NNOLI Don’t you just LOVE finding a new artist whose work you just can’t get enough of? That’s exactly how I felt when discovering the works of Chidinma... -
Sola Olulode
@SolaOlulodeSOLA OLULODE @SolaOlulode “I make art about the things I love to make me happy.“ There are certain artists whose work brings a smile to your face immediately, and the... -
@unskilledworkerHELEN DOWNIE @unskilledworker I am delighted to present my interview with the one and only Helen Downie, known on Instagram as 'Unskilled Worker'. Her works brighten my feed, with luscious... -
@crystal_fischettiCRYSTAL FISCHETTI @CRYSTAL_FISCHETTI I am delighted to publish my first interview in collaboration with KTW London. Today we are featuring the incredible @crystal_fischetti - Fischetti has a PHENOMENAL upcoming exhibition...